Individual spiritual guidance sessions:    $75/hr

Together we create a safe space to breathe and gently explore the movement of energy within your daily activity. You may bring your dreams, something you’ve read or seen or heard that moved you, a song, a story, an encounter. We will take a long loving look to see what is there inviting your attention. The recommended frequency is once a month.

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Personalized retreats:    $150.00

Spend time away from your daily routine in contemplation and silence. We will design a custom retreat that fits your schedule. Each day you may choose one or two sessions with a guide to process what is being stirred by your time away and the practices you employ to turn over the soil of your consciousness.


The Labyrinth at Ghost Ranch

The Labyrinth at Ghost Ranch

Group spiritual guidance

There is an animating spirit that works through groups whether they be congregations, not-for-profit organizations or community groups. Spiritual guidance can help groups discern where they have been and where they want to go.

Learn a variety of discernment tools and practices.  Listen to the inner movement of spirit together. One-time and on-going groups are encouraged. 

