All photography provided by Avena Ward

What is Spiritual Guidance?

Our lives are a journey with many twists and turns. We may not be able to see what is up ahead but we can develop an awareness of the forces nudging and calling to us in our everyday experience, guiding us into the future.

Together we create a safe space to explore what moves below the surface of your busy life, to listen for what seeks expression from within you. The movement of energy, of spirit, when lovingly attended to, offers a deeper and richer experience of life, no matter where you are on the journey.

I can help you ...

  • grow in inner freedom.

  • identify the deep desires of your heart and move toward them.

  • experience clarity about the things that are holding you back.

  • become aware of the beauty and goodness moving through all things.


Contemplation is a long, loving look at the real.
— Walter Burghardt, theologian


  • "By working with a spiritual guide, I've discovered a whole new way of living consciously aware of the divine in the midst of the noise."
  • "It is a real gift to have the total attention of a listener."
  • "My spiritual guide encourages the  unfolding of my story so I can identify and learn from my own inner wisdom."